My hubby and I stopped at the pharmacy last night where I bought a two-pack of Clearblue digital pregnancy tests, the ones that don't have lines but "pregnant or "not pregnant." He was more apt to believe that and even more so if heard from the doctor.
I took the CB test and it said "Pregnant"! I called my doctor's office and told them I had two positive tests and they said I could come in today. So I went in and got the blood test done. First they told me they were looking for the number to be 100 but then they saw I was "early." The nurses couldn't believe I even got a positive test already and wanted to know which brand I used. I actually used both.
They called back later and said my numbers were 21 and that was positive but they wanted to see it at 100 but it was OK mine was lower since it's early yet. I'm going back to be retested 48 hours after the first one.
In the meanwhile I get to gaze at these two beauties. My hubby got a nice clear picture for me.
It still hasn't sunk in yet. I suppose it'll take awhile for me to "feel" pregnant. Right now I feel perfectly normal except my breasts are tender (but not really any more so than they'd be before my period) and I have cystic acne. I look like a teenager! It's awful, awful acne and I hope it clears up soon. But it's all for a good cause. I hope my little bean sticks and I get to meet him or her in November! I feel confident it's a boy and my hubby is insisting it's a girl. The funny thing I truly don't care and for years I thought I'd want a girl. Now that I'm actually pregnant I just do not care. I'm so excited at the thought of meeting and holding and caring for this baby.
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