Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oy vey! What a morning!

I just wanted to say 'oy vey.' I love it!

My day 12 ultrasound and blood work were scheduled for today at 8:30 a.m. I am so not a morning person. And my RE's office that is a mile away is not open on Sunday so I had to travel a half hour on highways to get to the one that is open on Sundays (and every other day of the year). But I am willing to do all this and am not complaining. We had company last night and they didn't leave until after 11:00. I went to bed shortly after and set my alarm for 6:45. I never heard it ring. And I woke up at 8:00 on the dot!! I yelled to my husband, "We overslept!" and we had a Home Alone moment where we're running around and colliding with each other. In my haste I totally forgot to take my temperature and now I'll have to stare at that "hole" on my chart. Hee hee. It would have been a white circle anyway since I woke so much later than normal. We somehow managed to get out of the house by about 8:10. Thank God we took showers last evening. Normally I'm a morning shower type person but we had to be up early yesterday for something so I got my shower Friday evening rather than yesterday morning and then last evening which saved me this morning!

So we were only about 10 minutes late and no one even seemed to notice. There were at least five other couples there which was amazing to me. It was kind of a "wow" moment for me - seeing all these other couples having all these other couples waking up early and doing the same thing I was doing. My husband and I are not the only ones who had to get up early, drive far, and have an ultrasound and blood work in our quests to have children. (Well, he only had to do the waking and driving parts of the equation.)

So the nurse came and got me and drew my blood and then put me in an ultrasound room. My lining was "still thin" and my right ovary had only small follicles and my left had some larger ones (I forgot to ask if one of them was the cyst from last time) but they were not mature enough. So the doctor (Dr. Crunchy this time) told me that they'd call once they got my blood work results. I call her Dr. Crunchy because my hubby said, "She looks crunchy." A few weeks ago he did not even know what crunchy was. Now he's using it to describe people. It works for me as I don't want to name my doctors with their real names. :)

I am still feeling pretty awful as far as this sickness and exhaustion go. My hubby and I went out to breakfast after that and I was so exhausted I came home and went right to sleep again. I kept my phone with me because I knew they'd be calling sometime around noon.

So the same nurse I spoke to last week for my blood work results called and it was the weirdest call of my life. First the nurse told me my hormones were "nice and low." And then she said the doctor wants me to start letrozole and they want me to come in and sign the paperwork for letrozole. I had just woken up from a nap so I was already confused but then I was REALLY confused because I just took the letrozole! So I said, "He wants me to do Femara again?" And she says, "Yes." And I said, "Because I just took it last week." And then she says, "Oh, I'm having a senior moment!" And then she explained that my estrogen was 27 and they want me to come in again tomorrow for another ultrasound and blood work to see if the follies grew. But now because she made a mistake like that I feel like I don't trust anything else she said.

I'm so frustrated because I just don't understand. Is it bad? Is it good that my estrogen went from 39 to 27 in 10 days? I don't even know. She asked me to come in again tomorrow at 8:15 to see if my follies had matured anymore. I have to do blood work and another ultrasound. I guess I'll start getting used to being naked from the waist down. ;)

I tried to call back to ask some more questions once I was a bit more awake but the call went right to their "closed" greeting.

I'm supposed to be in work at 8:30 so I also have to get in touch with my director to let her know I'll be late. I actually feel so crappy I should probably just call out sick. :(

So that's all for now. I have five loads of laundry to do...and Christmas decorations to put away. I really just want to go to sleep and wake up when it's spring!

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